Stamped by Sheri

Business Owner
  • Member Since,June 9, 2023
Sheri Azeroual is the Founder and Creator of Stamped by Sheri, a company focused on providing individuals with all of their personalized needs. She graduated college with a BBA in Fashion Merchandising before working in the fashion industry with a focus on wholesalers. After 10 years, she decided it was time to use the experience and knowledge gained in order to launch her own business. She realized that she loved the process of giving gifts to family and friends, and wanted to create a platform that would make the experience easy and enjoyable for others who need anything customized. With all the right tools and contacts in place, she felt ready to negotiate with vendors, understand her customer’s needs, and operate her business from A to Z. To support Sheri, follow her on Instagram at @Stamped_By_Sheri, or contact her directly at (917) 843-6723
