Joan Kagan

Licensed Real Estate Associate Broker
  • Member Since,January 5, 2022

Joan is known for the honest and wise counsel she provides to her long-term clients.

With over 12 years of real estate experience as an agent, manager and investor, Joan brings a wealth of wisdom, knowledge and creativity to her clients. She stays up to date on market conditions and uses the most current analyses when listing property and advising buyers. She is passionate about New York City real estate and enjoys guiding her clients through a complex financial transaction. Joan is motivated to help her clients fulfill their goals, whether it’s finding a home and establishing roots in a community or including New York City real estate as part of a diverse investment portfolio.

Whether working with home buyers, estates, or experienced investors, Joan is an excellent listener and focuses wholeheartedly on her clients’ individual needs. Joan is highly regarded by clients and colleagues for her scrupulous business ethics and diplomatic negotiating style. She is often referred to and consulted as an industry expert for her vast knowledge of the nuances of the New York City real estate market.

Joan raised her three sons on the Upper West Side. In her spare time, she enjoys fitness classes, painting and walking the streets of New York City.

